Methods of Uncontested Divorce in Thailand
Mutual Divorce
Section 1514 of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code (TCCC) lays down specific conditions that need to be satisfied for a divorce to be considered mutually agreed upon:
- Written Mutual Consent: Both spouses must express their mutual agreement to end the marriage in written form. This written consent is a crucial element to proceed with a mutually agreed divorce.
- Witness Validation: Additionally, the written agreement must be endorsed by at least 2 witnesses who provide their signatures as testimony to the spouses’ consent. These witnesses play a role in validating the authenticity of the mutual agreement.
Should the couple find themselves unable to arrive at a mutual agreement but still desire to dissolve the marriage amicably, the court can intervene and issue a judgment declaring the marriage as mutually terminated. This legal intervention allows for the marriage to end despite the lack of mutual consensus between the spouses.
Where to Certify Uncontested Divorce
In Thailand, an administrative divorce is a straightforward process governed by Section 1515 of the TCCC. It involves both spouses physically appearing at the district office to formalize the divorce registration, ensuring their mutual agreement and consent.
During this administrative process, the couple needs to present identification documents, such as their national identification cards or passports, and complete the necessary paperwork provided by the district office. Additionally, the presence of 2 witnesses is required to certify the spouses’ mutual consent for the divorce. These witnesses must sign the relevant documentation as proof of the couple’s agreement to dissolve the marriage.
In an administrative divorce, no authorized individual, including a lawyer acting under a power of attorney, can substitute for the physical presence of the spouses during the registration process at the district office.
Death of Spouse
Section 1501 of the TCCC states that a marriage is terminated by an uncontested divorce in the event of the death of a spouse. This termination occurs automatically upon the death of one of the spouses, resulting in the dissolution of the marital bond.
Upon the death of a spouse, the marriage ceases to exist, and the surviving spouse is widowed. In such cases, the surviving spouse is no longer legally bound to the deceased partner. However, any legal matters relating to inheritance, property rights, or other financial aspects might still need to be addressed according to the relevant laws and regulations governing succession and estates.
Cancellation of Marriage by Court
In situations where an uncontested divorce is sought through court proceedings as per Section 1501 of the TCCC, certain essential elements need to be considered:
- Mutual Agreement: The court emphasizes the importance of mutual consent between both spouses as the primary foundation for an uncontested divorce. Their agreement to end the marriage must be expressed clearly and voluntarily.
- Validity of the Agreement: The court scrutinizes the agreement presented by the spouses to ensure it aligns with legal standards. It verifies that the terms and conditions of the agreement meet the criteria set forth by the law and do not contravene any legal provisions or public policy.
- Legal Representation: While legal representation is not mandatory for an uncontested divorce, seeking legal counsel or assistance can be beneficial. Lawyers can guide the spouses through the legal process, ensuring that their agreement is in compliance with the law and that their interests are protected.
- Court Decision: Upon thorough assessment and verification of the agreement, the court issues a decree formally concluding the marriage. This decree holds the legal weight to officially dissolve the marital union, establishing the termination of the legal relationship between the spouses.
This process ensures that the uncontested divorce is conducted per legal protocols and safeguards the interests of both parties involved.
Registration of Final Judgment
By Section 1497/1 of the TCCC, once the court delivers its final judgment on the divorce proceedings:
- Court Conclusion: The court is responsible for concluding and finalizing the decision concerning the termination of the marriage bond. This includes the formal acknowledgment and declaration of the dissolution of the marriage.
- Nullification of Marriage: The court pronounces the marriage as null and void, effectively terminating the legal bond between the spouses.
- Registrar Notification: Following the court’s decision, it is incumbent upon the court to notify the Marriage Registrar of the divorce decree. This notification serves as an official communication to update the registrar’s records, recognizing the dissolution of the marriage.
After this legal process is duly completed, and the court decision is effectively communicated and recorded with the Marriage Registrar, the judgment becomes legally valid and enforceable, marking the formal termination of the marriage.
Category: Divorce, Family Law

About the Author (Author Profile)
Siam Legal is an international law firm with experienced lawyers, attorneys, and solicitors both in Thailand law and international law. This Thailand law firm offers comprehensive legal services in Thailand to both local and foreign clients for Litigation such as civil & criminal cases, labor disputes, commercial cases, divorce, adoption, extradition, fraud, and drug cases. Other legal expertise of the law firm varied in cases involving corporate law such as company registration & Thailand BOI, family law, property law, and private investigation.