Thailand Law Blog
Foreign Business Licenses
According to Section 17 of the Foreign Business Act, B.E. 2542 (1999), foreigners may apply for a license to operate businesses that would normally be prohibited to them under Lists 2 and 3 of the Act. Between March 3, 2000 to February 29, 2012, a total of 2,928 licenses were issued to foreigners (1,091 licenses […]
Registering a Trademark in Thailand, Part 2
The previous article discussed Section 6 of the Trademark Act of of B.E. 2534 (1991), as amended until B.E. 2543 (2000), which listed the criteria for determining whether a trademark was registrable. In short, Thai law allows for a trademark to be registered if it is distinctive, not prohibited by law, and not the same […]
Registering Trademarks in Thailand
The trademark is an important legal concept in the world of business and commerce. Trademarks allow companies to distinguish their goods and services from competitors and thereby enhance the goodwill of the public towards their particular brand. Accordingly, trademark law seeks to protect both consumers, by allowing them to identify the origin of products sold […]
Recognition of Foreign Divorce in Thailand for US Citizens
There is a great number of Americans married to foreigners. As such, there are also numerous divorces applied for and granted to Americans in foreign jurisdictions. There is no legal obligation for states to recognize foreign judgments of divorce issued by other countries. However, most states in the US recognize divorces granted to its citizens […]
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the Thailand Context
Americans doing business in Thailand must remember that they are not only subjected to Thai law but that in certain situations, U.S. laws still apply as well. For example, U.S. employment laws, environmental laws, antitrust laws, and tax laws all potentially apply to American companies doing business abroad. However, one of the most important laws […]
ASEAN Economic Community: An Update on the Current Challenges Facing the Economic Integration
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has been the buzzword in the political and business arena for some time. With 2015 fast approaching, governments in all the ASEAN countries are rapidly assessing their progress in line with the AEC 2015 blueprint. Thailand is, by no means, any different. Regarded in the region as the center, in […]
BOI Promotion of the Motion Picture Industry
Thailand has been thriving as a destination for film production companies. Its beautiful natural scenery, exotic locale, and cheaper production costs make it an attractive option for many foreign filmmakers. Another reason is that Thailand already has a developed film production infrastructure in place, which makes it less necessary to import equipment from outside the […]
Foundation in Thailand Overview
In Thailand, registration of a foundation is mainly governed by “The Civil and Commercial code, B.E. 2535 (1992)” and “The Ministerial Regulations of Regulations, Operation and Registration of the Foundation B.E. 2545 (2002)”. Article 110 of TCCC specifies a foundation as “A foundation consists of property specially appropriated to a public charity, religious affairs, art, […]