Thailand Law Blog
Notary Public in Thailand
In many countries, a notary public is an official who is licensed by the government to authenticate signatures or documents, and witness affidavits or statements of persons under oath. In general, a Thailand notary public has no authority to act when not in the jurisdiction of the government where the notary is licensed. Notarization of […]
Visas at the US Embassy in Thailand
The United States Embassy in Thailand, located at 120/22 Wireless Road in Bangkok, is one of the largest embassies in the world. Among other functions, the Embassy processes US visa applications. The Visa Section at the US Embassy Thailand serves foreigners who would like to enter the U.S. While the Embassy recommends that all foreigners […]
How to Start a Business in Thailand
If you want to start a business in Thailand, you can set up your business in a number of ways. If you have an international business, you may wish to set up a Thai branch office, Thai representative office or Thai regional office to take advantage of local business opportunities and possible tax advantages. Sole […]
Foreign Ownership of Industrial Land in Thailand
Although the Thai Land Code generally prohibits foreigners from owning land, one notable exception applies to land located within an industrial estate under the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act of B.E. 2522 (1979), as amended. Under Section 44 of the aforementioned Act, foreign entrepreneurs are allowed to own industrial estate land to conduct business, […]
Legal Barriers to Escrow in Thailand
Finding escrow services in Thailand can be hard, but there are a few legal options. Some large international developers will cooperate with their buyers to use offshore escrow services in certain situations. However, the use of offshore financial institutions can add additional risk due to currency exchange issues. In some situations, the parties to a […]
How to Make a Thai Will
Foreigners living in Thailand and those owning immovable property in Thailand usually need a Thai will. It is a good idea to work with an international law firm, such as Siam Legal, to ensure that your estate plan complies with Thai law. Thai law provides that if you are competent to draft a will in […]
The Right of Habitation
In addition to lease in Thailand, usufructs and superficies, Thai law provides another specialized type of legal property rights that may be of interest to some foreigners living in Thailand. The right of habitation (arsai) entitles the recipient to live in a building rent free for a period of time up to 30 years or […]
Hire of Immovable Property for Commerce and Industry
Foreign investors seeking to lease land in Thailand for business purposes may find themselves limited by the 30 year lease limit posed by the Civil and Commercial Code. Indeed, the 30 year limit is rather short in comparison to lease limits in other jurisdictions; such as Vietnam, which allows residential lease terms from 50 to […]