Thailand Law Blog
Mergers and Acquisitions of Company in Thailand
Mergers and acquisitions are becoming a routine occurrence in developing countries as companies use the process to expedite their growth or gather additional benefits. A recent high profile example was the merger between Burger King and Tim Horton where the smaller Canadian Tim Horton acquired the larger American Burger King in an attempt to qualify […]
What does the Thai labor law say about workday, overtime, and leave?
Relations between employers and employees are covered by the Thai Labor Protection Act (LPA). The latest manifestation was revision to the Thai LPA was in 2010. The basic presumption of Thai Labor Law is that the Employer is in a superior position in relation to the Employee therefore Employees require the law to equalize the […]
Sex Crimes in Thailand
Thailand has a reputation of being a place of sexual freedom. The reality is that most Thai people are very conservative and modest. However, there are some red light areas which cater to a particular segment of tourists, foreign expats, and Thai men. In these businesses, sexual morality is flouted and sex oriented businesses are […]
Divorce Scenarios for Foreign Nationals in Thailand
Siam Legal International receives several inquiries every day regarding the divorce process in Thailand. Most of these cases involve a Thai girl living in Thailand and a foreign national returning back to their native country. We will go through different variations of this fact pattern and try to address the issues. “I am a British […]
Defamation in Thailand – Natural Fruits Corporation vs. Andy Hall
International news is filled with the criminal defamation case brought by Natural Fruit Corporation, one of Thailand’s largest pineapple processors, against Andy Hall, a British labor rights activists. The charges can carry up to an eight-year prison sentence and a USD$10 million fine. Mr. Hall made allegations that Natural Fruit Corporation used violence, force overtime, […]
What to do when you are arrested for illegal drugs in Thailand?
Thailand is a wonderful place for a holiday but not when you are in its jails. Our law firm was recently contacted by a foreign national in one of Bangkok notorious overcrowded jails. He said that he was a victim of a drug scam and that he had been in the jail for over two […]
Arrested in Thailand: What to do?
Thailand has a reputation for being a country where the laws are flexible. Some foreigners like to test this reputation by committing acts which they would never do in their home country. While Thailand is a wonderful place for a holiday, the country does have laws. When someone breaks those laws, they will be arrested. […]
ASEAN Economic Community and Thai Labor
The ASEAN Economic Community is coming in 2015. Within the blueprint for the AEC, there is an article called “Free Flow of Labor.” The purpose of this article is to eliminate the barriers of skilled professional workers being employed within the countries of ASEAN. Through a series of negotiations for liberalization over several years, ASEAN […]
The Corporate Veil Under Thai Law
Under Thai law, a company is considered to be a juristic person, meaning that it comes into existence as a result of law. The intention of a company is expressed through a natural person, namely a “Director.” The Director, once appointed by the majority of the shareholders, becomes the representative of the company and is […]
Rights of the Accused in Thailand
At the time of the arrest, the accused has a right to be notified of the following rights. If the accused is represented by an attorney, the attorney will have the same rights as the accused (Thai Criminal Procedure Code Section 7). The accused has a right to an expeditious, continuous, and fair trial. The […]