Category: Thailand Visa

The New Education Visa in Thailand: Non-ED Plus

In June 2024, the Thai Cabinet introduced a raft of new visas. Among them was the Thailand ED Plus Visa, which was specifically designed for students pursuing higher education at universities in Thailand. What is the Thailand ED Plus Visa? The Thailand ED Plus Visa is a type of non-immigrant Thai visa that is only […]

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Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Visa

In May 2024, a new long-term visa option known as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Visa was approved by the Thai Cabinet. The visa caters to specialists, executives, professionals, and their dependents. The purpose of this visa is to aid the development of targeted industries in Thailand including automation, robotics, aviation, logistics, and biochemicals. What […]

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Long-Term Stay Compliance Thailand

Reporting to the Immigration Division A person who holds a Thai long-term visa and stays in Thailand for more than 90 days must report to the Immigration Division at every 90 days interval, according to Section 37(5) of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979). Ways to Report with the Immigration Division In-person Designating a proxy […]

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Procedure for Applying for Thai Permanent Residency in 2024

Here is a general guide on how to apply for Permanent Residency in Thailand. To apply for Permanent Residency in Thailand, follow these general steps: Eligibility Criteria: Hold a non-immigrant visa for at least three consecutive years. Maintain a valid visa at the time of application. Meet financial requirements and have a clean criminal record. […]

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Denial of Thai Permanent Residency

Foreigners applying for a Thai permanent residency may have their status revoked if they have a criminal record or are found to violate the laws of public safety. There are also certain prohibitions involved once your permanent residency is denied, according to the Immigration Act. Prohibitions in Granting Permanent Residency Section 44 of the Immigration […]

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Benefits of Having Thai Permanent Residency

Foreigners receiving permanent residency status in Thailand are offered benefits and rights almost equivalent to those of Thai citizens. The article below lists the numerous advantages that it offers. The Right to Reside in Thailand Permanently Securing the right to remain permanently in Thailand is a huge milestone, allowing expats to reside in this prospering […]

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Types of Thai Permanent Residency

Thai Permanent Residency Categories There are 5 different criterias to make you eligible in applying for a Thai permanent residency: Investment Employment Humanitarian purposes (6 sub-types): Spouse with Thai citizenship Spouse with Thai permanent residency Child adopted by parents who are Thai citizens Child adopted by parents who are Thai permanent residents Parents adopting a […]

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Working in Thailand as Foreign Entrepreneur

A foreigner who desires to make Thailand his or her home, but is not married to a Thai spouse or working in a Thai company, might consider starting a business enterprise in order to stay in the country. The idea is particularly attractive because with a company in Thailand, a foreigner can be their own […]

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