Category: Property
Overview of “Games” Software Activity Under Thailand BOI
The Board of Investment (BOI) Thailand is promoting some business activities in order to earnestly awake Thai economy. The BOI promoted activities are categorized in seven main sections. If you look into the list of activities eligible for BOI promotion, “Software” is one of the most popular activities which is sub-categorized under Section 5: Electronic […]
The Condominium Act (B.E. 2522) – Buying a Condominium in Thailand
The Condominium Act in Thailand (B. E. 2522) has been amended in 2008 to solve the problem arising out of the law enforcement and to provide protection over the people purchasing the condominium units for dwelling purpose. Here are the highlights of this law: When a buyer enters into an Agreement to Sell a Unit […]
Invention – Patent in Thailand
Rather than Trademark and Copyright, Patent is an intellectual property. In Thailand, there are two types of Intellectual Property: Patent which can be divided into an Invention (the invention has to be new, inventive and capable of industrial application) and a Product design; Petty Patent or utility model which is similar to the invention but […]
Usufruct in Thailand
Foreigners being forbidden to own land in Thailand are finding ways and means to be able to access and possess land legally. The most common mode of possession and control used is undertaking a lease agreement. However, there is another mode although not as popular but equally efficient. This option is undertaking a Usufruct Agreement. […]
Duties and Liabilities of the Lessee and Lessor – Thailand Property Lease
In every contract of lease, there is always a lessee (also known as the “hirer” under Thai law) and a lessor (who is also called the “letter”). The lessee, as well as the lessor, has rights and duties under the contract of lease. Thai law allows foreigners to lease real properties in Thailand such as […]
Transfer of Ownership Over Properties in Thailand Between Foreigners
One of the more peculiar features of the law of Thailand is their strict mandate on the transfer of ownership between and among foreigners over properties located in Thailand. One very basic example is the method of transferring ownership of condominium units between foreigners. The same can not be done by virtue of a deed […]