Category: Property
Property Purchase in Thailand: Why Due Diligence
There are many foreign investments which involve the purchase of real estate. Whether for business reasons, an investment visa, or a residence, the purchaser of the property must apply Due Diligence to the purchase of the property. A quick and smooth transactions sometimes causes the purchaser to overlook issues that will affect the ability of […]
Inheritance Tax in Thailand
On September 12, 2014, the new Prime Minister of Thailand, Prayuth Chanocha delivered his government’s policy statement to the National Legislative Assembly, which declared a new economic policy that shall instate an inheritance and property tax for Thailand within one year. A draft law for the new inheritance tax in Thailand has already been drafted […]
Handy Tips and the Know-hows for Purchasing Property in Thailand
Situated at the center of the Southeast Asian region with it’s tourist attracting slogan; Amazing Thailand, the country has been seeing a high increase of tourists visits over the years. According to 2013’s Global Destination Cities Index, Bangkok was listed as the number one tourist destination with roughly 15 million visitors.1 Seeing how attractive a […]
The Thailand Real Estate Investment and Property Law Forum 2013
Asia Business Connect held the “Thailand Real Estate Investment and Property Law Forum 2013” conference at the Bangkok Convention Center last September 19th to September 20th. Mr. Kert Stavorn, a partner at Siam Legal International, gave a presentation regarding “Contract Strategies and Legal Concerns in Sales/Property Contracts for the Real Estate Business” and also sat […]
Property Lease in Thailand
Considerations for Lease Agreements in Thailand Given the substantial issues relating to foreigners owning a freehold interest in Thai land, a more viable option for people wanting to have a legal and long term interest in the property is done through lease agreements. There are however a number of pitfalls to be aware of, much […]