Category: Company Law
Regional Operating Headquarter in Relation to the BOI
The Regional Operating Headquarter is another economic instrument from Thai government, providing benefits to investors who established a regional headquarter in Thailand. Various benefits provided to the investors with the aims of attracting more investment in Thailand, both tax incentives and non-tax incentives. The Revenue Department offers tax incentives, for instance, corporate income tax reduction, […]
Business Activities that Foreigners Cannot Fully Own Under the BOI Promotion
According to Thai laws, foreign investors who wish to establish a business in Thailand are restricted to the percentage of foreign shareholding allowed in a Thai company. A Thai company requires Thai nationals to hold the majority of its shares. Otherwise, the company is considered as a foreign own company and required to obtain for […]
Overview of a Corporate Income Tax in Thailand
The term corporate income tax shall be applied to either business incorporated in Thailand or foreign business which generates an income in Thailand. A Thai company refers to a company incorporated under Thai Law while foreign company refers to a company incorporated under Foreign Law. Specifically, the term applies to the following business entity; a […]
Legal Effect of a Blank Share Transfer Instrument
A Blank share transfer instrument is widely used in a company limited whereby a current shareholder of a company, as a transferor, pre-sign a share transfer instrument and does not specify any particular name of the transferee, in other words, the name of the transferee is kept blank. It is questioned whether the blank share […]
Thailand BOI – FAQ
Q: How can a foreigner invest in Thailand? A: Foreigners will normally invest in following business entities: By Thai Company Limited with Thai majority own By foreign majority own with Foreign Business License (FBL) By foreign majority own with an exception of FBL i.e. BOI, U.S.-Thai Amity-Treaty Q: What is the corporate tax structure for […]
Is it Possible for Foreigners to Register a Partnership in Thailand?
While incorporating a partnership for Thai nationals is considered very simple with less restriction, partnership for Foreigners are restricted by, again, Foreign Business Act. There are two types of Partnership in Thailand, ordinary partnership and limited partnership. In general, according to Thailand Civil and Commercial Code, a partnership is “A contract whereby two or more […]