Category: Company Registration
Hotel Business in Thailand
Most of the time, starting a hotel as a business in Thailand is a very profitable undertaking; however it is subject to quite a significant amount of regulation. Step 1: Business registration and Ownership While a Thai national may register any form of business entity, a private company limited is the most suitable form of […]
US-Thai Treaty of Amity Company
The U.S.-Thailand Amity Treaty has promoted U.S. Thai trade relations since 1966. The treaty requires the Thai government to give businesses owned and run by American investors national treatment. This exempts American businesses from most of the regulations mandated by the Alien Business Law of 1972. For a company to be eligible for Amity Treaty Status, […]
U.S. Firm Applying for a Trademark in Thailand
While your U.S. trademark may be recognized in Thailand, little if any protection is available. However, U.S. companies are eligible to register their trademarks in Thailand. To be eligible for the business or its agent, which may be a local attorney, must have an address in Thailand. Although talks are underway, Thailand is not yet […]
U.S. Firm Applying for a Patent in Thailand
Patent filing in Thailand U.S. firms are eligible to apply for patent protection in Thailand, although if the invention was made in the U.S. you must file an initial patent application there first. If the invention was made in the U.S., you cannot file in Thailand until you receive a foreign filing license or 6 […]
American Company Applying for BOI Incentives
Companies incorporated in the U.S. or majority-owned by Americans are often eligible for incentives from Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI). For example, BOI promoted businesses are automatically granted a business licence. Investment Promotion Criteria Regulations set requirements for each industry and sub-industry eligible for the promotion. The Board considers the business plan, the viability of […]
Notary Public in Thailand
In many countries, a notary public is an official who is licensed by the government to authenticate signatures or documents, and witness affidavits or statements of persons under oath. In general, a Thailand notary public has no authority to act when not in the jurisdiction of the government where the notary is licensed. Notarization of […]
How to Start a Business in Thailand
If you want to start a business in Thailand, you can set up your business in a number of ways. If you have an international business, you may wish to set up a Thai branch office, Thai representative office or Thai regional office to take advantage of local business opportunities and possible tax advantages. Sole […]
Foreign Business Licenses
According to Section 17 of the Foreign Business Act, B.E. 2542 (1999), foreigners may apply for a license to operate businesses that would normally be prohibited to them under Lists 2 and 3 of the Act. Between March 3, 2000 to February 29, 2012, a total of 2,928 licenses were issued to foreigners (1,091 licenses […]
Registering a Trademark in Thailand, Part 2
The previous article discussed Section 6 of the Trademark Act of of B.E. 2534 (1991), as amended until B.E. 2543 (2000), which listed the criteria for determining whether a trademark was registrable. In short, Thai law allows for a trademark to be registered if it is distinctive, not prohibited by law, and not the same […]