Category: Company Registration

Mergers and Acquisitions of Company in Thailand

Mergers and acquisitions are becoming a routine occurrence in developing countries as companies use the process to expedite their growth or gather additional benefits. A recent high profile example was the merger between Burger King and Tim Horton where the smaller Canadian Tim Horton acquired the larger American Burger King in an attempt to qualify […]

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Buying Out an Existing Business in Thailand

Buying out an existing business, rather than starting one from scratch, is one possible option for foreign entrepreneurs in Thailand. One advantage for foreign entrepreneurs who choose to buy out an existing business is that the immigration and work authorization procedures may be smoother than if they started a new business. Foreign entrepreneurs must officially […]

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Regional Operating Headquarters: Criteria for Special Privileges

In the previous article (How to Establish a Regional Operating Headquarters in Thailand), we addressed the basic definition of a Regional Operating Headquarters and how it is formed. As we mentioned, an ROH is a Limited Company set up in Thailand by a multinational corporation to provide management and technical services to enterprises in its […]

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How to Establish a Regional Operating Headquarters in Thailand

A “Regional Operating Headquarters” or ROH or “regional office” refers to a Limited Company that is registered in Thailand in order to provide management and technical services to any enterprises in its corporate network. Normally, a multinational corporation will set up a regional office in order to manage its branch offices in the region. By […]

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ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement

On 26 February 2009, the economic ministers of the ten ASEAN member States signed the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (the “ACIA”), which liberalized trade within ASEAN in the following fields: Agriculture Fishery Forestry Mining Manufacturing   Pursuant to the terms of the ACIA, ASEAN nationals are able to operate foreign majority-owned firms in Thailand by […]

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Applying for a Factory License in Thailand

As discussed in the previous article, a Category 3 Factory, as defined by Thai ministerial regulations issued pursuant to the Factory Act of 1992, is a factory that has over 50 horsepower or 50 workers or any factory which produces pollution (even if it has less than 50 horsepower or 50 workers). Category 3 factories […]

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Setting Up a Factory in Thailand

In the previous post we discussed the different possible locations where one could establish a factory in Thailand. In this post, we will address the law with regards to setting up a factory, once one has already found the location. In Thailand, the main law that addresses the establishment of factories is the Factory Act […]

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How to Register a Company in Thailand

Under Thai laws, companies are classified as follows: Thai Partnership Thai Limited Company Thai Partnership, is just like any other partnership which may either be ordinary or limited. A limited company in Thailand is one which is formed by dividing the capital into equal share, and the liability of the shareholders is limited to the […]

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Utilizing the Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement (Continuation…)

What criteria must companies fulfill in order to be eligible to use the TAFTA? In order to enjoy the special privileges enabled by the TAFTA, the company in question must be eligible to apply for a Business Operations Certificate Section 10 of the Foreign Business Act. Within Section 10 is an outline for the criteria […]

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