Category: Company Registration

DBD Regulations for Company Registrations

The Department of Business Development (DBD) has issued an order promulgating additional rules and documents necessary for the registration of partnerships and companies with a capitalization of over 5,000,000 Baht or for the registration of an increase in capitalization of a partnership or company of to an amount over 5,000,000 Baht. Generally, applicants are required […]

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Foreign Business License: Regional Office

Foreign multinational companies with business operations in the ASEAN region or Asia may consider setting up a regional office in Thailand as a support hub for their corporate network in the region. Nevertheless, the regional office is considered a “service” business within the definition of category (21) of List Three annexed to the Foreign Business […]

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Capitalization for Foreign Business in Thailand

The Foreign Business Act of 1999 restricts and regulations foreign business activity in Thailand in order to protect Thai businesses and one of the ways it does so is through specifying rules regarding the capitalization of foreign businesses in Thailand. Notably, although retail is restricted under (14) of Annex 3 of the Foreign Business Act, […]

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Limiting the Authority of a Company Director

When foreign investors do business in Thailand, it is often more expedient to hire a Thai person to serve on the board of directors along with the foreign directors. Generally, Thai law does not require a limited company to have a Thai national to serve on the board of directors. Furthermore, maintaining control of the […]

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Requirements for the Application of Foreign NGOs in Thailand

In the previous articles, we went into some detail regarding the operation of foreign NGOs in Thailand, including a list of information that a foreign NGO must submit to the Committee if it wishes to establish an office in Thailand or to send any of its official to work here. However, we also discussed that […]

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Primary Laws Governing the Operations of Foreign NGOs in Thailand

As mentioned in the previous article (Operating a Foreign Non-governmental Organization in Thailand), one of the two primary laws governing the operations of foreign NGOs in Thailand is the Regulations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare on the Entry of Foreign Private Organizations to Operate in Thailand B.E.2541 (1998). The aforementioned regulations detail […]

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Operating a Foreign Non-governmental Organization in Thailand

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), both domestic and foreign, play an important role in advancing civil society and economic development in Thailand. Foreign NGOs represent a potential source of technological transfer and material support, which is vital for a developing country. However, international organizations that may be interested in operating in Thailand must first contend with a […]

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Basics of Thai Investment Promotion Law

Thailand’s investment promotion laws are a particularly important element of its overall plan for future economic growth, especially regarding its competitiveness with other nations in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The Investment Promotion Act of B.E. 2520 (1977), amended as recently as 2001, empowers the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand to grant tax and […]

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International Headquarters and International Trade Centers

Siam Legal has extensive experience in working with foreign investors to help them establish their business operations in Thailand. For the convenience of our foreign clients, we prepare brief translations and synopses of Thai government announcements that directly or indirectly affect them. Recently, on January 15, 2015, the Department of Business Development issued an announcement […]

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Types of Foreign Business Authorization

A common source of confusion for foreign entrepreneurs in Thailand is the difference between a Foreign Business License and a Foreign Business Certificate. Both documents are a form of authorization for foreigners to engage in any business that are restricted under the Foreign Business Act of 1999, but which to apply is completely different situations. […]

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