How to Use the Thailand Privilege App

In addition to the flexible and highly prized Elite Visa, the Thailand Privilege program offers members literally hundreds of perks, benefits, and special privileges. In fact, there are so many available benefits that it can be difficult to keep track of them all. 

To help members get the absolute most out of their memberships, the Thailand Privilege Card Co. Ltd. (TPC) has created an exclusive app that makes it easy to find and make use of all the benefits available to you regardless of your membership tier.

While you can review privileges and book online through the TPC website, the app is more convenient and useful, especially when redeeming perks on location.

This guide will explain how to get the app, log into it, and use it to access the benefits you are entitled to as a Thailand privilege member.

How to Access the Thailand Privilege App

You can find the Thailand Privilege App on the Apple App Store if you are on an iPad or iPhone, or the Google Play Store if you use an Android device. Simply search for “Thailand Privilege” and install the app from the menu on your device. 

The app is free and requires no purchase price or subscription fee.

Registering with the Thailand Privilege app

Once your download is complete, open the app and you will be taken to the registration screen. You will need both your passport number and Thailand Privilege Member ID number to complete the registration.

You can create a new account with a unique name and password, or you can connect your Google, Facebook, or Apple ID account to the Thailand Privilege app for a simpler login process. Whichever you decide, you will have to input some personal details, and then hit “continue.”

Next, for security reasons, you will have to provide a picture of your face, taken from your smartphone. If your phone is stolen, the thief cannot steal your perks or benefits, as the vendor can check the profile picture to make sure it is you. You’ll also need to set up a security PIN as an extra layer of security. You will need this PIN to log into the app in the future to confirm your identity.

Once your registration is complete, you will be taken to the homepage where you can start making use of your perks and benefits!

Registering as a family

If your Thailand Privilege membership includes additional family members, you can register their card on your app as well. This will let you track each member’s benefits, and redeem perks as well as make bookings on their behalf all on the same app.

Using the Thailand Privilege App to Access Your Benefits

On the homepage of the app, you can see important information like your Privilege Point balance and new, limited-time offers for members. At the bottom of the screen, you can find the menu. To start using your rewards with the Thailand Privilege app, select the “Privileges” button.

From here you can search the database of available perks for specific benefits or categories. Once you find the one you are looking for, select “choose your redemption” to see the options available to you and make a booking.

It is recommended that you do this in advance of the date you redeem your benefit to avoid delays and availability issues.

Making a booking

Many privileges, such as free rounds of golf or stays at luxury hotels, require you to schedule them in advance. Fortunately, you can do this through the app without having to call anyone.

Once you have decided on what you want to book, hit the “redeem” button. You will be taken to a menu where you can set your desired time and date when you will be redeeming this perk. You can also select which card you will be redeeming this perk with, and your chosen payment method (points or cash) if one is required.

When you press “accept,” your booking request will be sent to the vendor. At this point, your booking is not yet confirmed. You will need to wait for the vendor to confirm their availability for your selected time, but this should not take long. The app will inform you when your booking is confirmed.

Depending on the nature of your chosen benefit and payment method, you may be taken to a payment portal to complete your transaction.

Reviewing your bookings

Back on the main menu, you can find the “Booking” tab. Select this, and you will be taken to the booking page where you can find your current and past bookings. Select a booking to see its status, usage details, and scheduled redemption date.

From here, you can change your booking to a different date, or cancel it altogether. You can also add additional members to your booking if required.

This is also the menu you will use when it comes time to actually claim your benefits.

Claiming Thailand Privilege Perks through the App

When you are at the location of the vendor providing the perk you want to redeem, it’s time to claim it. From the booking menu, select the perk and tap “claim.” 

You will be given a QR code, which you must show to the vendor to scan. At this point, a one-time passcode (OTP) will be sent via SMS to the phone number you used to register on the Thailand Privilege app. Provide this code to the vendor to confirm your identity, then you’re on your way to enjoying your benefits!

What Else Can You Do with the Thailand Privilege App?

Besides redeeming Privilege Points and making use of your benefits, the Thailand Privilege app also enables you to perform several tasks more conveniently. From the various menus in the app, you can:

  • Add cards from family members to your app
  • Upgrade your membership level to get even more benefits
  • Set reminders for your important dates and deadlines, such as for your 90-day report or visa renewal
  • Rate perks and benefits to provide valuable feedback that helps improve Thailand Privilege offerings
  • Review your past bookings
  • Update or change your account info, membership details, payment methods, important documents, and more
  • Turn on/off notifications to alert you of booking confirmations, cancellations, or new deals and perks

Get Access to Thailand Privilege the Fast and Easy Way

If you’re not yet a member of Thailand Privilege and want to experience all the benefits and the flexible Thailand Elite Visa for yourself, contact Siam Legal, a government-partnered GSSA. Not only can we provide expert, FREE assistance with your Thailand Elite application, but we also provide bonus perks for signing up through Siam Legal that you can’t get anywhere else.

Already a Thailand Privilege member? Want to help your friends and family experience the great benefits of membership while earning some extra money for yourself? Join Siam Legal’s Thailand Privilege referral program and get a cash payment for every successful signup you refer to us!

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