Belgium Visa Thailand | Siam Legal International

Belgium Visa

Visa Application in Thailand

Belgium is a fairy tale country full of castles and history. It is the oldest free country in the world with the country establishing its charter of rights in 1066. The country is famous for its chocolates, waffles, and beer. Belgium’s capital is known for its wide selection of restaurants with over 138 restaurants per square mile and the highest density of Michelin star rated restaurants in Europe. Belgium is also a popular European Tourist destination because of its close proximity to France, Holland, the United Kingdom, and Germany. If you want to visit, work, or live in Belgium, the following types of visas are available:

  • Short-Stay Visas - These visas allow the applicant to stay in Belgium for up to 90 day. These visas are generally for tourist, visits to family or friends, sports programs, business trips, or transits through a Schengen area.
  • Long-Stay Visa - If you are planning to stay in Belgium for more than 90 days you might need a long-stay visa or not. The application begins at the local consulate or embassy in your country of residence and must have the visa stamped in your passport before travelling.

    It is also possible to obtain a long-stay visa (spouse visa) if your purpose to visit Belgium is to live in a stable relationship with a Belgian national or anyone who is legally residing in Belgium.
  • Student Visa - In Belgium, the three communities (Flemish, French, and German) make their own decision on education. Someone on student visa will have to be enrolled in a Belgian educational institution and will obtain residence permit that will allow them to work up to 20 hours per week outside of school holidays.

What Siam Legal Can Do For You

If you are uncertain of what to do and you would like to increase your rate of approval, Siam Legal is more than willing to assist you to make your application successful. We offer:

  • Full review of your personal, financial & employment history
  • Consultation and confirmation that this visa is appropriate for you
  • Extensive checklist of documents that you need for your visa application
  • Professional and accurate preparation of your visa application
  • Submission of your visa application to the proper government agencies
  • Expert advice on how to handle yourself at your Consular interview
  • Unlimited personal communication with our Visa Specialists.
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Bangkok: 02-254-8900
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Pattaya: 084-021-9800
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Thailand: +66 2254-8900